US Will Still Engage: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/us/politics/14diplo.html?ref=global-home
Iran View: http://www.presstv.ir/
More Gitmo Releases
Anti-Immigrant Minuteman Amer. Def. Group Leader Charged In Double Murder (Hat Tip:DB)
CAIR Condemns DC Shooter, But Showcased Another Nazi Carto Protege To Speak
DC shooter James von Brunn, claims to have worked for Holocaust denial publisher Noontide Press, owned by notorious anti-Semite Willis Carto. One of Carto's longtime deputies, Nazi William Baker had previously keynoted mainstream events by CAIR and other groups. CAIR, even when informed of his deep Nazi ties has refused to condemn Baker as late as last year. Yet, here is their statement rushed via a press release about the shooting: "We condemn this apparent bias-motivated attack and stand with the Jewish community and with Americans of all faiths in repudiating the kind of hatred and intolerance that can lead to such disturbing incidents."
Hate Crimes:
DA: No Hate Crime in Robbery Murder of Asian News Execwww.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jL5nCLlK2xr62B4BCICqcMWCRNogD98OPVI00
NYPD: School Fight Injuring Arab-Amer. Youth Not Hate Crime
Hate Crimes Decline in VA in '08, But Increase Against the Disabled
Latino Arrested in Anti-Black Attack
Transgender Attack in Seattle Probed
OC CA Mosque Vandalism Investigated As A Hate Crime
New Evidence in Los Angeles Hate Crime
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