US Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor faces questioning today by the Senate Judiciary Committee in her quest to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court. She is the first Latina nominee, a Puerto Rican, and if confirmed by the Senate, would be the second Hispanic on the Supreme Court after Justice Benjamin Cardozo. Center Director Brian Levin, an attorney who has authored Supreme Court briefs states, "She has many of the elements Pres. Obama would want in a justice and these make her hard for his political enemies to challenge: 1st class academic pedigree, humble beginnings, not a lot of hot button social issues in her cases, many years of federal judicial experience, a left center approach, and someone with two important demographics- a formidable nominee by any standard"
Fast Facts
- Born June 25, 1954, 54 years old Bronx, NY Native, Divorced
- Mother a nurse, father died at age 9, Diagnosed as a diabetic
- AB, Princeton Univ., 1976, Honors Graduate, Pyne Award (Highest general Award); Yale Law School, 1979
- Ass't DA, NY; Private Practice Atty.
- Appointed US District Court Judge By Pres. George Bush, Nov. 27, 1991
- President Clinton Appointed her to US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit Circuit, Confirmed Oct. 2, 1998, by a 67-29 Senate vote
- Most Judicial Experience of any nominee in over half a century
CNN Coverage
Wash Post
NYT Blog
NY Daily News
New Republic: Critical Piece
Ricci v. Stefano (Affirmative Action Case- She was in Majority, reversed by Supreme Court)
CNN: Resume/ Other cases
NY Stats
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